Out of control…

This hike is beginning to become all about food. My day goes like this:

Wake up starving. Eat pop-tarts with peanut butter, and granola bar. Pack up. Walk for 30 minutes, eat another bar. Walk a few more miles, eat crackers and cheese. A few more miles and a chocolate bar.

Lunch time. Bread with a thick layer of peanut butter. Beef jerky, gummie bears, teddy grams, dried fruit, trail mix.

Hike a few more miles and eat another protein bar. A few more miles another protein bar.

Arrive at the shelter starving. Eat anything else I haven’t eaten during the day before I make dinner. Dinner is a Pasta side kick thing, or cous-cous, or mashed potatoes. Then I finish off with more gummie bears or candy, beef jerky, possibly another piece of bread with peanut butter. Spoonfuls of peanut butter, and more gummies. Sometimes I justify eating more trail mix and beef jerky if I have the option of buying more the next day. Then I force myself to brush my teeth to end the eating.

Rest and repeat.

Oh and sometimes I steal M+M’s from friendly section hikers…

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