M&M’s + instant mashed potatoes = Happy Hiker!

Finding foods out here that are light weight, yummy and have enough fat in them to keep me going is tough! I’ve been making my own trail mix which consists mainly of M&M’s, gummies and some nuts. I eat so much of this stuff and it really weighs down my pack.

For breakfast I try not to eat anything that requires cooking because I want my stove gas to last me a long time. This week I am planning to eat pop tarts with peanut butter spread on them. Gross! You may be thinking, but honestly, I’ve tried oat meal and I want to gag, I’ve tried granola and its ok, but not enough calories, I’ve tried beef jerky but it costs too much, and I am running out of ideas. My friend was telling me she was eating beef jerky for breakfast and I said, “Hmmm… that’s odd.” to which she replied “Well… Shit gets weird out here.” Which I think pretty much sums up the trail in one sentence.

Usually about 2 hours after breakfast I am hungry again and I end up eating most of my allotted trail mix for the day right away. The M&M’s are the first to go. Gummies second, and of course peanuts and other seedy type things are left for last.

For lunch I have a block of cheese, a German hunter sausage (Thanks Dad!), more trail mix, a bar of some sort, sometimes more chocolate and perhaps some crackers or flat bread. This week I also bought some peanut butter, although it is very heavy and I’m not really a big fan of it. Everyone keeps eating it with a spoon and says it is full of calories, so I hope it serves me well. Lunch seems to be the heaviest foods that I carry, but as I hike more, I get hungrier, and I can’t stop eating!

Dinners are pretty easy to plan. Quinoa, ramen noodles, side kicks, soups, tuna, and my favorite, Instant Mashed Potatoes! They are so warm, fluffy, salty and fast to make. I could just eat potatoes every day if it would give me enough energy. Every dinner I make is in one pot only. I don’t have a bowl or cup, I just eat out of my pot. For most of my dinners I simply boil water, add the food and let it sit for a few minutes to cook. When dinner is done, I usually sneak more trail mix. I usually brush my teeth early to prevent myself from eating more of my food.

Any suggestions of low cook time, light weight, high calorie/fat semi-nutritious hiking food?

10 thoughts on “M&M’s + instant mashed potatoes = Happy Hiker!

  1. How about pantry-style cooking (dry goods and dehydrated ingredients pre-packed into bags for each meal)? Enlist a friend or family member who is planning on visiting you to bring the food. And if someone you know has a dehydrator, home-cooked meals can be dried and packed for you!

    Are you doing food drops along the way?

    Keep chugging, my friend! I am thrilled that you are doing this, and hope that the rain will stop, the trail will dry, and your spirits will soar! Love you, Jules!

  2. Wow just saw your nice website and it’s making me hungry!
    (be sure to take photos even if U can’t post em)
    Slogging the rain sounds bad so take your time and enjoy
    any downtime you need. No Hurry. No worry.
    Looking forward to more posts of your adventure.

  3. Hey! Hope you are ok. There was a huge storm in the Eastern US and I thought of you. Said an extra prayer just in case. Take care and be strong!!

  4. Julia!!!
    I just finished getting caught up on your travels! Your blog entries are so interesting so far, I feel like I’m reading a novel about your travels and I can’t wait for the next chapters 🙂
    I would advise though that since your diet is not what it is when you’re home, you should probably mix things up a bit when you get into town so that you can catch up on some vitamins and minerals that you’re missing out on. Have you seen any interesting wildlife yet?
    All the best 🙂

  5. Hmmm, well, if you want to be ultra-light, you might ditch the quinoa. Unless you are letting it soak over night it is totally wasting your fuel. Also, if you can find dried hummus, bring that. Apricots are nutritious, filled with sugar and fiber. Dates are better. Those meat bars you have are 450cal each, with lots of protein. Eat at least one per day until they are gone. Maybe save two for emergencies and dry them out at every chance you get.

  6. Food Food Food…. I Love that it’s a huge part of the adventure. You’ll never look at it the same way again. haha

  7. Ohhhhh…. last entry.. .bum. Now I’m all curious to read your next chapter…. hurry up and write. Hope you’re safe and meeting lots of fun people to talk to. I want to hear about more food and fabulous views. Love u

  8. Hey Jules, Grampa called and asked if you were alright. He heard about the storms and was worried. I told him you called and all is good. We’re have a hot spell here in Ontario. You’re sure to get it too. Keep that hat on and drink, drink drink!

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